Readers' Articles and News
including newsletters
Articles which have been submitted by readers of our website reside here, plus also general information which may or may not be useful. If anyone has an account they would like to see placed in this section, then please send it to Andy Dunn. Note: As of 19th December 2016, Branching Out became the new name for our newsletter Hugh's News. The final copy of Branching Out was published in July 2018.
Branch Newsletter
The Branching Out magazine is no longer published. Its back
catalogue can be found on the Archive page.
Tower Newsletters
Ronald Patrick Burgess — Ron
23rd July 1946 to 7th June 2024· Jane Burgess and Clare Fairbairn
Ron's Smile
Ron was born in Boscombe Hospital, and grew up in Kinson with his two younger brothers Derek and Ray.

During his school days at Kinson Primary School and Winton and Moordown Secondary School, he enjoyed gymnastics, representing his school and performing in displays.  His interest in old radios started when he was only nine years old, making crystal sets and mending radios, and this was to continue for the rest of his life.

After leaving school he worked in an electrical business for a short period, moving to a Radio and TV shop, learning the trade.  He then obtained a job in Transformer Winding Co in Boscombe, before joining the RAF at 17 as an Airframe Mechanic.  He was in the RAF for 5 years training at Swinderby, trade training at St. Athens and was then posted to Lyneham in Wiltshire where he worked on Comet and Britannia aircraft, before being posted to Bahrain for 13 months, where he worked on Hunters and Argosies.

Whilst on leave during this time he did a driving course and passed his test in Bournemouth, before returning to Bahrain to finish the tour.  He also joined the RAF Amateur Radio Club, talking to people all over the world.

Early in 1969 he was posted to Little Rissington, Gloucestershire, attached to RAF Kemble, working on Gnat trainers, including those flown by the Red Arrows.

Leaving the RAF in February 1970, he got a job at Kidlington Airport and worked there for 38 years, servicing the aircraft radio and navigation equipment, working his way up to Inspector.  It was during this time that he met and married Linda and they had two girls, Lisa and Amanda.

In 1971 while living in Charlbury he learned to ring the bells at the local church, something else which was to continue for the rest of his life.  He also repaired the radios and televisions of all the neighbours.

Several years later, after his marriage had ended, he heard on Radio Oxford about square dancing at Heyford.  He decided to go along, and this is where he met Jane. They married on the 2nd of December 1978, and Ron moved to Kidlington. There he became a lovely father to Douglas, Jane’s son, and in 1979 Alistair was born.  Ron had eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren and took a great interest in all of their lives.

Ron loved to show his children and grandchildren how to do and make things, from making circuit boards to learning to drive; horse riding and trampolining. He took them to the top of the tower while he put up the flag; on steam trains and picnics. On visits to them, he usually ended up on the trampoline; a throwback perhaps to his early gymnastics.

He always took the time to explain things, and instil his enthusiasm for the subject. A frequent question to his children was “Have you got a hobby?” However, none of them learned to ring. Lisa says that it “just seemed like a Dad thing”, although she is now interested in learning!

Jane and he spent much happy time travelling in their mobile home, especially to Dorset, where they also rang many times at Beaminster and other towers.

Ron had a great love of a very wide range of music from classical to rock, and of course bellringing, and chose the music and hymns for his funeral. This included a piece of piano music called “le jet d’eau” which Ron’s mother Edna used to play, and which Ron loved and remembered hearing while playing in the garden as a child.

Ron’s interests were very wide and varied.  He loved everything old, especially mechanical things to do with steam and combustion engines, and spent many hours tinkering with the two old motorbikes in his shed.  He was a member of The Radio Society of Great Britain having passed his Amateur Radio and Morse Code exams, and gained his Amateur Radio Licence.  He spent many hours in his “shack”; the small bedroom upstairs, talking to people from all over the world.  He was also a member of the British Vintage Wireless Society and other vintage radio societies, as well as helping out at the History of Science Museum in Oxford on their Marconi Days, which he really enjoyed.

When he moved to Kidlington he joined the ringers at St. Mary’s and eventually, and for many years, became Tower Captain, only stepping down a few years ago.  During this time he taught many people to ring (including Jane!).  He was also a committed ringer at Woodstock; the times of the Sunday services there and at Kidlington being compatible. He of course rang for weddings and other important events in both churches, and went on many tours, including a memorable tour on the Isle of Wight, ringing at all possible towers.

In addition, he made every effort to help other towers who needed teaching and other assistance at various times, including Islip, Ducklington, Kirtlington, Bletchingdon and Weston on the Green. He was always kind, patient and good humoured, especially with learners.

Ron was not an ambitious ringer, but thoroughly enjoyed ringing and helping others to ring. He rang quarter peals of doubles and up to caters methods, and was an excellent caller of lengthy call changes for weddings and other occasions. He called quarter peals of doubles. He rang two peals on eight, one trebling to Cambridge Surprise Major, and one inside to Grandsire Triples. He also enjoyed ringing handbells.

Ron was a very much loved husband, father, grandfather and friend. Warm hearted, kind, patient, always cheerful, with a lovely smile.  He loved to be busy doing things.  If any of his children had a problem they knew they could always go to him and he would find a solution. He loved sharing all the knowledge he had gained, as well as simply wanting to help and make people happy. In this he succeeded magnificently.

The OCB striking competition at Iffley
Saturday 1st June 2024 · Geraint Jones
This year's branch six bell striking competition was held at St Mary the Virgin, Iffley with bands variously choosing to ring doubles, minor and called changes. It was judged by Colin Lee and his son Simon, for both of whom this visit provided the opportunity for a tower grab. Results were: 1st Marston with 80%; 2nd a band assembled on the day (but who have rung together on Sundays at St Giles', Oxford) with 73%; and 3rd Headington with 71%.
The Charmborough Mini-Ring at Oxford St Giles
Sunday 6th October 2019 · John Pusey
The Charmborough Ring, described as a mobile belfry, was set up in the area NW of the church, between the hedge and the pergola, and was available for ringing between 12:00 and 15:00. The visit was arranged as an extension of Jericho Octoberfest, a street fair taking place in Little Clarendon Street in the afternoon and in the evening. St Giles Church had a street stall which (among other things) publicised the presence of the mobile belfry and encouraged the public to come across the road to watch, and perhaps to 'have a go' under supervision. We also attracted visitors in other ways, e.g. by taking posters and flyers to local schools, putting an ad in Daily Information, and getting a mention on local radio.
Teaching Octoberfest visitors
Seen in all its glory
The six bells can be rung in almost the same way as tower bells, but are much lighter - the tenor weighs a little less than a hundredweight, i.e. a fifteenth of the weight of the St Giles tenor, and about a quarter of the weight of the treble. If you haven't rung on a mini-ring before, you will need to make some adjustments in the way you handle the rope, but previous experience on heavier bells will help a lot. The wheels are smaller, and the ropes move faster than we are used to on tower bells although through shorter distances. Almost all ringers find it best to catch the sally with one hand only, and many also handle the tail-end with only one hand. There are no stays and sliders, partly in order to allow a deeper and more secure 'set'. This is not a serious problem, because most ringers are strong enough to pull one of these light bells back to the 'Up' position even if it has gone all the way over to the 'Down' position (although with the rope wound all the way round the wheel); and in fact the bells are usually allowed to go over into this position between touches. One of the most significant differences between mobile mini-rings and ordinary sets of tower-bells is that they give spectators the chance to see the movements of the bells, the ropes, and the ringers, all at the same time, which is never normally possible in a tower. This makes it easier to see how these movements relate to each other, which learners often find very hard to understand.
Still on the trailer
Now being unloaded
My Sunday began at 3 am, when I woke up and suddenly realised that I had done nothing about reserving a parking space for Roger Booth's car and the trailer which would be bringing the Charmborough mini-ring to Oxford in a few hours' time. I had meant to do something about it the previous evening, but, after a rather full and tiring day, I had forgotten. I got up, dressed, cycled through heavy rain (passing a surprising number of people out and about in Cornmarket Street), and was greatly relieved when I arrived at the church to find that there were no vehicles already parked either on the entrance to the footpath or on the yellow lines running past the hedge.
Three sets of two
Ready to ascend
I had remembered that there was an orange cone tucked away beside the garden shed, but how was I to protect a long enough strip of parking space? I roamed around looking for things light enough to move but heavy enough to discourage others from moving them, and found a wheelbarrow, a small conifer in a large pot, the inner part of a roadside waste-bin, and a brown wheelie-bin filled with dead vegetation, and lined them all up. On the way home through Cornmarket, I spotted an orange hire bike, with its rear wheel immobilised, and thought it would be much more conspicuous at the upstream end of the line than the cone would be. So I half-carried the bike all the way back to St Giles', stopping at shorter and shorter intervals to rest (and on the way, I passed two more orange bikes which were much closer to St Giles', but which I had overlooked).
Starting to ring
Benjamin and Claire
Everything then went well in the morning: the rain had stopped, the sun had come out, Roger's car and trailer had already arrived when I came down from the tower after ringing for the morning service, the 'six reasonably tall and able-bodied volunteers' who Roger had asked for appeared one by one, plus a few extras, and the Charmborough Ring was up and ready for use at 12 noon, after almost exactly the hour and a half which Roger had expected. A few more volunteers then arrived to act as instructors, plus ringers wanting to practice ringing on the mini-bells, and a worthwhile number of the public, both adults and children (mostly rather small), wanting to 'have a go' for the first time. We kept going continuously with various types of ringing for the three hours which there was time for, and then dismantled the mobile belfry and loaded it back onto the trailer, also just within the estimated time. A few hard cases then set off for the Royal Oak - the first party of ringers from St Giles' to do so for many months - and were joined there by two of the clergy - and finally we had a larger band than usual to ring before Evensong.
Lowering an A-frame
Back onto the trailer
Paul Lucas's photos came through in e-mail messages the same evening. Mine have taken a little longer, but some of them are now visible here. Both of us have taken photos mainly of the erection and dismantling of the 'mobile belfry': if anyone else has taken a few more photos of the actual ringing, I should be very pleased to see them. Even more so, I hope that someone might have taken photos of two other scenes which neither Paul nor I captured at all - Steve, Sara, Craig and a few others ringing changes on handbells under the pergola - and the same three marching in line abreast all the way along Little Clarendon Street and back again, passing the line of the Jericho Octoberfest street-fair stalls, and ringing handbells non-stop as they went.

Thank you again to everyone who took part, or who gave any necessary permission - but especially to Roger Booth, who brought the Charmborough Ring from Hampshire, and supervised all the processes of erection and dismantling - and did some ringing too. John Pusey, St Giles Tower Captain
Alan and Marylon Coates visit Oxford
June 2016 · Hugh Deam
St Nicholas · Chadlington
It has been a pleasure to welcome back our Australian friends Alan and Marylon Coates to Oxford this June, with extra ringing organised at Cassington and Chadlington (two new towers for them), quarter peals at Bletchingdon and Marston, over and above the City Branch practices they attended during their nine day visit. Allied to the ringing was the chance to catch up on events both here and down under courtesy of post-ringing socialising in a variety of locations throughout the week, culminating in a pre-ringing lunch at the Cafe de la Post in Chadlington. Alan Coates This report comes courtesy of some quick thinking and educated first aid from ringers at St Mary’s cathedral Sydney who successfully resuscitated me after I suffered a cardiac arrest in that tower last year. The ensuing recovery kept me from all international travel including my regular Oxford meetings last year, so this year it was a particular pleasure to resume contact with Oxford and its ringers.
Cafe de la Post · Chadlington
St Peter · Cassington
I arrived on Saturday 18th June, just in time for an interesting simulator-based 8-bell practice at Headington. My wife Marylon arrived the next day – flights from Sydney were hard to book. Sunday saw service ringing at Old Marston and Eynsham, followed by a nice quarter of mixed doubles at Bletchingdon. Weeknight practices at Kidlington, Cumnor and St Giles renewed old contacts, and on Friday we returned to Old Marston. On Saturday we enjoyed an outing to Cassington, a recently re-hung six in which I had not previously rung. Sunday again saw us at Old Marston where we rang a quarter of mixed doubles, then service ringing at Eynsham and North Hinksey. This was followed by another first when we visited Chadlington for lunch at the Café de la post, then a most enjoyable ring on the six at St Nicholas. Marylon and I would like to thank Hugh Deam and all others who have once again made us welcome and provided opportunities for such an enjoyable visit.
Roy Henry Jones
13th October 1935 to 5th May 2014 · Hugh Deam & Julian Jones
Roy in 2010
A Service of Thanksgiving for Roy H Jones was held at St Nicholas church on Saturday 21st June 2014, with a large congregation of family, friends, colleagues from various facets of his volunteering life (Scouting, Parish Council) and of course dozens of ringers from Marston, surrounding towers, neighbouring Branches and societies with which he was associated. Born in North Oxford in 1935, the oldest of four children, Roy moved to Marston with his parents at an early age. He first rang a bell at the age of eight and quickly showed an aptitude for ringing. Although ringing was Roy’s primary focus in the church through his many years, he also served as a chorister and latterly on the Parochial Church Council. The greater part of Roy’s working life was spent in the teaching profession, firstly in Buckinghamshire, then in Staffordshire and latterly occasional forays into Wales. Having been called up for National Service, Roy’s education in chemistry saw him serve in the Army Medical Corps and then back in civilian life to become a trainee pharmacist for Timothy Whites. His change of career path was brought about by his passion for bell-ringing due to the longer holidays afforded by teaching and hence the greater scope for ringing at far flung towers. After retiring from teaching, Roy’s pharmaceutical training saw him spend the last two decades of his life working two nights a week overseeing the distribution of medicines from warehouse to retailer. Roy served two spells as tower captain at Marston and several years as Vice-Chairman of the Oxford City Branch. Widely known for his prolific quarter peal ringing, Roy notched up well over 6000 quarters and he rang at virtually every tower with five or more bells across the globe. He was elected to membership of The Ancient Society of College Youths (ASCY) in 1961. Besides his welter of ringing at Marston and beyond, he was also a leading light for recruiting and teaching new generations of ringers. Having been instrumental in the augmentation to six bells within Marston tower in 1972, Roy spearheaded the fundraising campaign for renovation of these heavily used and much appreciated bells. Immediately after the church service, his ashes were interred in the Garden of Rest, which is overlooked by the tower where he rang for seventy years. Hugh Deam

The Marston ringers in 1961
Roy at foreground right
Roy was my big brother, and from my earliest memories, always there for me. He was the first born to Ellen & Harry Jones and brother to Mavis, Sylvia & myself, Julian. Born in 1935 in Summertown, he subsequently moved to 19 Woodview, Old Marston, when our parents decided to buy a new house there in 1938. This is now 118 Oxford Road. Soon after this move, he started bell ringing at St Nicholas Church, and this continued to his death 70 years later. During the Second World War, the air raid sirens would often sound and my family then had to take shelter under the stairs in the house - the Anderson shelter in the garden being flooded - it had been marshland! One particular time, it was pitch black due to the black out, and when the sirens sounded my father raced up to Roy’s bedroom and carried him to the under-stairs, where there was a dim light-only, to find he had carried Roy upside down all the way! I don’t know who was most shocked! Roy won a scholarship to Magdalen College School at the age of 10, where he received a high standard of Education; he was always very proud of attending there. Following school, he was called up, aged 19, for National Service and served in the Army Medical Corps for two years. He never served abroad, staying in the UK and one of his main jobs was assisting with the closing down of military hospitals. I recall there was always an ample supply of bandages, syringes and sticking plaster in the family house, albeit past their use by dates! His first job was with Morris Motors in Cowley. This was a holiday job, although he made such an impression that he was asked to stay on. However, he became a trainee pharmacist with Timothy Whites in Oxford, where he gained experience of the retail pharmaceutical trade. This job only allowed two weeks annual holiday though, and Roy really wanted more holiday in order to pursue his passion of campanology! Roy decided to go into teaching, and I do recall him telling me that one main attraction was the long holidays they had which would enable him to do even more bell ringing! He went to teacher training at Westminster College, Oxford, and Worcester University, obtained a first degree and took up a teaching career, teaching not only in Buckinghamshire, but also Cannock, in Staffordshire. To further his career he obtained an MA from Hull University in 1977, and I recall he made numerous fishing trips in a trawler into the North Sea in order to earn some money to get through that year! Not surprisingly, Roy met his wife Catherine at a bell ringer’s party, and they got married on 2nd December 1967 in Henley, and later bought a house in Buckingham. His interests were reasonably diverse though, and included social history and the natural sciences. He was a scout leader and village club organiser for young people. He was a founder member of the 43rd Oxford Scout Troop, which is still in existence in Old Marston today. Furthermore, he was a chorister, sidesman, Parish councillor, and notably, was elected to the Parochial Church Council in 1957. He was very involved with St Nicholas Church, and Captain of the Bells there for many years. In 1972 he made a significant contribution to fund raising and overseeing the engineering work when the bells at the church were augmented to a ring of six. Roy moved to Cannock in 1978, to further his teaching career as deputy head of the Fulfen School, but still undertook ringing and training of ringers in that area. He was also on the committee that founded and set up the Burntwood Citizens Advice bureau, as he realised how important that was to the ordinary people in the area. Roy retired in 1992, moving back to his Buckingham house, and did some supply teaching for a while. But mainly he now had time for his Parish council work and bell ringing in the Oxford area and elsewhere. His ringing took him all over the UK, and Ireland, and he toured parts of North America, Australia / New Zealand, and South Africa. On one occasion, whilst on a bell ringing tour of the Yorkshire Dales, Roy’s red Escort car was inadvertently filmed traversing the lanes, for the introduction clip to a series of Emmerdale Farm, and I understand that Roy gained much pleasure from seeing his car on the telly during that series! Roy was probably the politest person I have ever known, and treated others as he would like to be treated himself. He was never much of a materialistic man, and often tended to make do or repair. Such as it was with his dear mini metro, that had two engine transplants, and which he only recently retired pending it being scrapped. This was not the most reliable of cars over the years and he may have known many of the RAC breakdown mechanics personally considering how often he called them out! Sadly, we all have to pass on sometime, and on the 5th of May Roy died in his sleep in Old Marston, just metres from the Church and bells that he loved so much. Rest in peace Roy! Julian Jones
Russian Bells in New Marston
19-05-13 · John Pusey
On Sun 19 May, six members of Oxford City Branch of the ODG, from St Giles Oxford, Old Marston and Headington, visited the Russian Orthodox church of St Nicholas the Wonder-Worker in Ferry Road, New Marston, Oxford, where four bells newly cast in Russia were installed late in 2012. The heaviest weighs 132 lb, i.e. just over 1 cwt. The pitches of the bells resemble the top four notes of a diatonic eight, but we were told that the intervals are based on Pythagorean tuning rather than the 'equal temperament' now normally used in European music. The bells are hung in a tall narrow tower (visible from outside, but with no access by ladder), and are sounded from the ground floor by means of an Ellacombe apparatus - all installed by Whites of Appleton.
We were met by the church's bellringer, Sergey Tochlin, and his wife. He explained that Orthodox tradition prescribed in great detail how bells should be used - one pattern for a Liturgy service (Communion), another for other daily services, another for saints' days, etc - and when two or more of these categories coincided, then the different patterns would be combined. One of the patterns which was demonstrated was 12131214 repeated. The basic unit of timing was strictly based on how long it took for the resonance of the heaviest bell to die away, and was therefore faster on lighter bells such as these. Mr Tochlin had previously rung heavier bells elsewhere, and got into trouble when he first rang these bells, because he rang too slowly and was told that they sounded as though they were being rung to signify a funeral.
Each of us was allowed to sound the bells for only 15 or 20 seconds, but even that was enough to bring one of the neighbours round to complain. These are the only bells of any kind normally audible in New Marston, but Mr Tochlin was able to point out that it was a Sunday, and before 6 pm, so that they were within the limits set by the City Council.
The building in Ferry Road was built as a temporary Anglican church 100 years ago, but had almost become derelict, until the Russian congregation took it over three years ago. It has now been very thoroughly and attractively restored, and Mr Tochlin claimed that it was the only Russian church in Britain which had all three basic features required - icons, frescoes, and bells. A Russian tradition for bellringers to be formally trained and 'ordained' has almost died out, but Mr Tochlin hopes to go back to his birthplace south of Moscow to obtain further training and to become the sixth living ordained bellringer in the Russian church. John Pusey
Clive Holloway 1939 - 2012
05-12-12 · Roy Jones
Clive Holloway spent his early life in Old Marston before moving to Oxford where his parents managed pubs. He lived in Chalgrove and rang there before moving to Garsington. As a baby Clive had an eye problem which gave him monocular vision, which did not prevent him from being involved in many activities. He was a Scout, rising to be a patrol leader, a member of the Youth Club, a keen cyclist and swimmer. He was a member of St Nicholas choir before being enticed into the ringing chamber. He was taught to ring by Alec Gammon and Roy Jones, and became a member of a call change band. After visits to Wolvercote and tuition in Bob Doubles from Tom Bowles, Mike Harding and Horace Mair, Clive became part of the band which rang the first recorded QP on St Nicholas bells. Having been exposed to Alan Pink's Doubles Collection, he developed a talent for conducting and a thirst for Method ringing, which led to Clive conducting the record Doubles Peal at Marston.
Clive in 2008
A peal board at Marston
He rang at St Ebbe's with the Charlie Coles group before being invited by Walt Judge to ring at the Cathedral to which he could walk or cycle and then go to other Oxford towers. Long sequences which kept bells in a certain order on higher numbers than six bells helped Clive to ring Methods well and hastened his move to eight, ten and twelve bell ringing. I don't remember Clive teaching anyone to ring but he was an understanding and supportive tutor to those who handled a bell well in learning to ring Method. He did ring at a few three and four bell towers when helping the Marston band to restore towers or resurrect a defunct band. Clive was a glowing example for disabled ringers to persevere in the Art. He did much to encourage City ringing and he will be greatly missed. Prequel to the Christ Church Cathedral Eulogy, at 2pm on Friday October 12th 2012, by RH Jones.
Branch Practice
01-12-12 · Jonathan Cresshull
Ringers at Wheatley
Many thanks to the ringers of Wheatley for the use of their bells on a sunny but frosty December morning. Unfortunately, we only met five, so were unable to make full use of the six bells available, but still managed to ring some Stedman Doubles on the back five before retiring gracefully to the Queen's Head in Horspath for lunch and to sample the excellent Shotover Porter. Please do remember that Branch Practices are open to ringers of all standards - even those that are just learning to handle a bell - and that support at all levels is always appreciated. It is a great opportunity for all branch members to ring together and to make progress with things that may be difficult in your own tower. Jonathan Cresshull
The OCB striking competition at Horspath
12-05-12 · Hugh Deam
Anyone who has ever rung on the 6 bells at Horspath (6cwt) will know that even novice ringers can quickly feel at ease on this fluent set, and this combined with a delicious tea provided by the Horspath ringers, made for a fine afternoon. Our thanks also must go to the judges, Simon Bond and Bob Wallis, both former Ringing Masters of the Oxford University Society. The results were as follows: 1st Marston-Headington 85%, 2nd St Giles 80%, 3rd St Aldates 74% [we do not have a picture of the St Aldates team] and 4th Iffley 49%. The half yearly meeting clarified that the format used this year, namely General Ringing, the Striking Competition, Tea, then the Half Yearly Meeting, will be repeated next year in May 2013. Hugh Deam
1st Marston-Headington 85%
2nd St Giles 80%
4th Iffley 49%
The jolly judges
Paul Bayes
29-10-11 · Hugh Deam
Outing to Essex
A regular visitor to Oxford towers, Paul died suddenly on Tuesday 11th October 2011 in Bexhill, Sussex. He was born in Woodford, Essex and was introduced to ringing by his brother, learning at Horsmonden in Kent. Although employed in various jobs over the years, his main focus was in horticulture. Paul rang over 100 peals and around 1000 quarters. He was unable to fulfil his last objective, which was to join us on the City Branch outing to London in October this year, where he intended to ring with John Adams and Roy Jones, with whom he rang his first quarter peal of Lincolnshire in 1980. Hugh Deam
Ringing course reimbursements
18-09-11 · Hugh Deam
As several Branch ringers are intending to / or are considering to apply for places on ringing courses and bell maintenance courses this autumn, this would seem a prescient time to send out a reminder that the cost of attending these courses can, in most instances, be offset by the Branch. If you do attend a forthcoming course, simply inform your tower captain / secretary / correspondent and they will contact the Branch Secretary and the cost of attendance will be reimbursed after the event. As things stand virtually every ringer in the Branch is within the monetary limit set for subsidising any single ringer during the lifetime of their membership within the Branch for these courses. Since the demise of the Easthampstead Course, the subsidy was lowered to reflect the fact that replacement courses were one-day non residential and much cheaper. The subsidy should cover roughly three one-day courses. It is not too late for any Branch ringer already accepted for attendance of the Michaelmas Course to still claim their subsidy through the aforementioned channels. Hugh Deam
Striking competition at Kidlington St Mary
14-05-11 · Hugh Deam
It was heartening that the number of OCB towers taking part has increased again this year, as this demonstrates the fact that several long dormant towers have slowly but surely revived thanks to some diligent work by inspiring teachers and boundless enthusiasm of these local bands. Our thanks must go to the judges, Graham Clifton (former ODG Ringing Master) and Mark Bell (former OUS Ringing Master), for giving up their time and delivering most intutive and constructive verdicts. Also we are indebted to Kidlington and its ringers for providing an excellent tea. Hugh Deam
1st place St Aldates
28 faults ringing Grandsire Doubles
2nd place St Giles
37 faults ringing Stedman Doubles
3rd place Kidlington
47 faults ringing Grandsire Doubles
4th place Wheatley
90 faults ringing Plain Hunt Doubles
5th place Iffley
100 faults ringing Plain Bob Doubles
6th place Cowley
110 faults ringing rounds
David Lane
20-03-11 · Katie Lane
Marston HYM 2010
It is with much sadness that I have to inform you that David (N David Lane) died on the 15th March 2011, at home with us by his side. He was 76. He had been suffering from cancer for many months which he bore with great dignity and stoicism.

The details of the funeral are as follows and everyone is welcome to attend: Tuesday 29th March at mid-day, St John's Chapel, Oxford Crematorium, Bayswater Road, Headington, OX3 9RZ. There will be family flowers only, but donations to Marie Curie Cancer Care and Cancer Research would be appreciated. Kind regards Katie Lane

Paul Foote 1926 - 2011
Paul in 2010
It is with sadness (although he stipulated that there should be no mourning at his funeral) that we report the death of Paul Foote, aged 84. He was for some time in charge of the bellringing at St Andrew's in the 1980's and 90's, but as he did not wish to be the Tower Captain, he would only agree to be Vice Captain, and during this period there was no Captain. This was typical of his low key style. He originally learned to ring in Swanage at the age of 15, during the Second World War, when church bells were rung silently (they were only to be rung audibly in the case of invasion). How difficult that must have been: to learn to ring without the benefit of sound! He was a ringer in Old Headington from the early 1970's, until December 2008, when ill health forced him to give up. Paul taught many people to ring, and continued to assist with the ringing when others succeeded him in running the tower. He was always interested in helping learners to improve, and his dry sense of humour made the ringing enjoyable for all. He was a fellow of the Queen's College, Oxford, and a prominent Russian translator. Paul retained his links with Swanage, and had many friends there, in Oxford and in Russia. He had a great love of the countryside, especially of coastal walks. He was also an excellent cook and generous host. Paul is survived by his son and two daughters, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
The Quarter Peal Ringers
On Sunday 13th March 2011
was rung 1260 changes of
Grandsire Triples
celebrating the life of Paul Foote
Susan Foote
Jonathan Cresshull
Katy Routh
David G Andrews
Mark Walker
Richard J Verrall ©
Paul Lucas
Clare Fairbairn
His wife, Anne, died in 1968. Many relatives and friends attended his funeral service at the Oxford Crematorium on the 10th March and later at his house in Hill Top Road, where at his request, his toast was drunk in Coal Isla whisky. On Sunday 13th March at 5.30pm, a quarter peal was rung to celebrate the life of Paul. The band was made up of current and former members of St Andrew's bellringers, all of whom had rung with him in the past. St Andrew's bellringers
The OCB striking competetion
The 6 bell striking competition was held at 6pm on Saturday 8th May 2010. Congratulations to Cowley, who are our newest band, for being brave enough to take part, and also to St Aldates for a very fine performance with such an excellent score. Bernard Masterman did a brilliant job as the judge, and he was ably assisted by Charles Smith, who helped him tot up the scores. It was good to see so many teams taking part; let's have even more next year!
St Aldates61st

Oxford Mail article RINGING THE CHANGES
The Oxford Mail 24th February 2010
Christian Burrel marries Alice Myerson
The happy couple
Christian and Alice were married on the 30th May 2009 at St Michael & All Angels, Berwick, East Sussex (a small village a few miles outside Eastbourne). The church contains many 20th Century murals painted by three of the Bloomsbury Group of artists during the Second World War. Alas, there was no ring of bells, just a couple hung for chiming. The reception was held at Michelham Priory (just down the road), with the wedding breakfast in the Great Barn (built around 1600), followed by a ceilidh in the early evening. To celebrate the occasion, on this day a peal was rung at Kirtlington, with quarters also rung at Iffley, Marston, Chilton, Headington and Letcombe Regis.
The OCB half-yearly meeting
Who missed out on Jan's famous chocolate brownies and a coffee break on the manor croquet lawn, where Cromwell and Fairfax discussed the terms for Oxford's surrender? The City Branch has gradually increased the number of members attending events by holding them on the first two weekends of the month, after a ballot.
Just before the meeting
It was decided to hold the half-yearly meeting on a Saturday morning with a coffee break between the ringing and the meeting. Bryony, the mother of a ringer, agreed to host the break and provide refreshment which, weather permitting, could be taken on the old croquet lawn at the manor house. Jan, one of the ringers, provided a large number of her famous brownies, similar to the ones which appear on practice nights at Marston from time to time! Ringing started promptly at 10.00am under the guidance of Roy Jones, which enabled those attending their first meeting to enjoy ringing before the more experienced ringers joined in after a session of social chit-chat with the Ringing Master, Hugh Deam in charge. After an enjoyable break, when the sun shone for a while, the meeting took place in the new St Nicholas vestry, under the chairmanship of Canon Antony Ellis. The main points considered were: the presentation of certificates; the attendance of prospective members at meetings; attraction of members from towers rarely represented; notification of events and the striking competition. The next AGM was confirmed for the weekend of 12th November, and the annual outing for 10th October in Bedfordshire. Items for the AGM should be sent in writing to the Secretary, before the beginning of November.
Wanted: Bell Ringers
Are you a bell ringer, or would you like to learn?

Now that the tower of St Mary's in Garsington has been restored, it would be great for the village to have a local band to ring for weddings and other special occasions. I know that Basil Townsend has served for many years as Tower Captain, but now he has very little free time to spare. I would be happy to teach beginners (supported by the Oxford City Branch of the ODG) and to organise a local band for:
  • A practice evening (possibly on a Monday) several times a month (usually followed by the pub, as is the tradition!);
  • Ringing from 8.45 - 9.30am before a service (probably the Family Service) once a month; more frequently if there is enough enthusiasm;
  • Occasional weddings, funerals and other special occasions.
Tower bell ringing is fun and you will make lots of new friends. To begin, all you need is moderate hand-eye coordination and to be able to count to 6. Depending on the response, I intend to arrange an open-afternoon at the tower one weekend.

Thank you, Richard Jeffery, 01865 368262 (see contacts for Richard's email address).
The 2008 branch striking competition
The competition was held at St Margaret's church in Hinton Waldrist on the 14th June. It was fortunate to be held on a balmy evening that was ideal for the judge and the participants from Headington, Kidlington and Marston to all make the most of the pastoral setting.
Awaiting the results
The bells in Hinton Waldrist are ideal for fluent ringing and the event was keenly contested, with all three teams opting to ring Grandsire. Kidlington emerged triumphant by one fault from Headington in the runners-up spot. Hugh Deam
Kathryn's first quarter peal
In the church yard of St Andrew
Kathryn Greenwood (pictured 3rd from the right) rang the treble in her first quarter peal on Tuesday 6th May at St Andrew's in Old Headington. The methods were Grandsire Doubles, Bob Doubles and Reverse Canterbury. The rest of the band was: Hugh Deam (C), Clare Fairbairn, Paul Lucas, Andy Dunn and John Kentish. Kathryn, originally from Dalton-in-Furness in Cumbria, joined the band of St Andrew's in September 2006 as a beginner, and has been a loyal and useful ringer ever since then. She is about to leave Oxford, to study Forensic Linguistics at Cardiff. The Headington ringers would like to thank her for all she's done and wish her the best of luck at Cardiff. She also rings with the band at St Mary's in Dalton-in-Furness, whenever she goes back to see her parents. Paul Lucas
Monthly quarter peal at Headington
Richard Verrall has organised a regular quarter peal event to take place at Headington at 17:30 on the second Sunday of each month. So far, we have rung Grandsire Triples on Sunday 16th December, which was actually the third Sunday, but Richard would like to keep the second Sunday as a regular event. Should you be interested, his email address can be found on the contacts page. Assuming enough people are willing to join in, he hopes to ring Triples or [surprise] Major if possible. Note: Richard has now left the OCB, so these events no longer take place.
The marriage of Hilary and Ian
Hilary Blake and Ian Miller were married at the Wesley Memorial Church in New Inn Hall Street on Saturday 15th December. Hilary, who comes from Godshill on the Isle of Wight, is now an enthusiastic member of the St Andrew's band of ringers in Old Headington. She made her own dress as well as all the cakes at the reception. A motif depicting a church bell, at the bottom of the dress, can be seen in the picture below. Paul, Clare, Wendy and John and Emma Kentish were all present at the wedding. A quarter peal of Grandsire Triples, at Headington on Sunday 16th December at 6pm, was rung in dedication.
The City Branch reigns supreme
The City Branch won the Guild 8-bell striking competition at St Mary Kidlington on Monday 7th May 2007. In order of bell number, the Bob Triples band was, except where specified, from St Aldates: David Lane (treble), Katie Lane, Richard Youdale, Simon Edwards (St Giles), Jonathan Cresshull, Leon Thompson, Robin Hall © and David Barrington (tenor). Hear this band practising at the end of April.
Katie receiving the 8-bell trophy
On display at St Aldates
Unfortunately, it was not possible to record the rather better winning performance itself. At the Guild 6-bell competition at Spelsbury, on the 6th October 2007, the St Aldates band won by ringing Grandsire Doubles: David Lane (treble), Katie Lane, Jonathan Cresshull ©, Richard Youdale, Paul Harden and David Barrington (tenor). We had 17.5 faults, with Reading 2nd at 20 faults and 3rd Hanslope with 42.5 faults.
Headington St Andrew's latest recruit
Ten year-old Stephen Nichols is currently learning to ring at St Andrew's in Headington. Stephen comes from a ringing family. His father, Graham, rings at Headington and his grand-parents, Nora and Bernard, were ringers some years ago. In 1945, a certain St Aldates' church-goer, 22 year old Nora Honey, decided to respond to a plea for new bellringers to join the band. Although she had never touched a bell rope before, she took to it straight away. A peal in which she rang is recorded by a stone peal board at Marston St Nicholas. From 1948, it reads This is the greatest number of Doubles methods yet rung to a peal. Whilst ringing at St Nicholas, Abingdon in 1948, Nora met Burford ringer Bernard Nichols.
Stephen and Graham
Nora Honey in 1946
A year later, on 17th September 1949, they were married. Because of family commitments, Nora and Bernard stopped regular ringing until 1982, when Nora was approached by Ray Rook from St Laurence North Hinksey, and she joined the band there. Later on, in January 1983, Nora's son Graham thought he would like to have a go, and soon he was "bitten by the bug" too! Sadly, Bernard died in November 1984. Stephen was born in 1997, and now at the age of 10, he has also started having ringing lessons. And so a third generation of the Nichols family may be set to continue in the way I'm sure Nora and Bernard would have wished. Nora passed away on the 11th April 2005.
In memory of Terry Gibson
Tower Captain of St Mary the Virgin at Thame, 8th December 1936 - 27th November 2006. A Quarter Peal (3m) was rung in memory of Terry on Friday 15th December 2006 at Chinnor, St.Andrew (6). 1. Caroline Kinchin-Smith, 2. Susan King, 3. Roy Jones (c), 4. Hugh Deam (c), 5. Gordon Smith, 6. Raymond Fergusson. Requiescat in pace.
Ringers wanted
Roy Jones keeps a list of ringers, within the Oxford area, who may be available on weekdays for weddings, funerals and services. This list is now out of date. If you would like to be included, then please email Roy as soon as possible.
The Ringing World
Marston tower has a complete set of The Ringing World magazine, from about 1998, which is surplus to requirements. If anyone would like to take them away, then please come along to the Marston practice on a Friday evening. A donation to tower funds would be appreciated, but is not essential. Contact Hugh Deam if you would like to confirm collection in advance.
Fund Raising
Katie Lane would like to encourage the Branch to increase our contribution to the Restoration and Bell Funds. Graham Nicholls has volunteered to take good items to be sold at Car Boot Sales to raise funds for this purpose. His address is 20 Wick Farm, Headington, Oxford OX3 9SE 01865 765594. He would like books, as long as they are in decent condition - as well as good quality vinyl records, and toys - especially model railway bits and pieces. Almost anything will do - but no 'rubbish'! Please can we make use of this kind gesture to make a bigger contribution to the Guild; we all enjoy the bells so let us be a little more generous in our support!